Document Services is a division of RCTC Corporation and is conveniently located at
4646 Dufferin St. unit 6, North York (Dufferin and Martin Ross) in North York

Note: It is strongly recommended that children traveling alone or with one parent carry a consent letter for each and every trip abroad. Although anyone can witness/sign these letters, it is advisable to have the consent letter certified, stamped, or sealed by an official who has the authority to administer an oath or solemn declaration (i.e., a commissioner for oaths, notary public, lawyer, etc.) so that the validity of the letter will not be questioned. It is up to each official/individual who witnesses such a letter to decide what proof he/she needs to see to be able to witness/sign the letter. Officials should only witness/sign a letter of consent if he/she is convinced that the individual requesting the letter is who he/she claims to be and that adequate proof has been provided.

This consent letter may be required by foreign authorities among other additional country-specific entry requirements.

The form below will help you automatically complete the form

Fee for completed form with Notarization: $80
Fee for completed form without Notarization: $30